Acupuncture for Treatment of Headaches and Migraines

August 8, 2019
Jenna Aquilina, MAcOM, Dipl.Ac., L.Ac
Jenna Aquilina M.Ac.OM, Dipl.Ac., L.Ac. is an ilumina practitioner who has been practicing TCM and Acupuncture for over 15 years.
Jenna Aquilina M.Ac.OM, Dipl.Ac., L.Ac. is an ilumina practitioner who has been practicing TCM and Acupuncture for over 15 years.

Many people suffer from chronic tension headaches or migraines and taking medication all the time can be hard on your overall health and well being.  Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can help to manage the stress, tension and triggers associated with headaches and migraines.  *Studies show:

  • Acupuncture helps reduce the number of days of pain and/or severity in tension headaches and migraines.
  • A 2012 meta-analysis of acupuncture trials showed that for headaches and other pain, acupuncture is superior to sham acupuncture.
  • The benefits were similar to non-opiate pain relievers.
  • Acupuncture is safe compared to opiates, and a better long term solution for management of headaches and migraines and chronic pain.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine treat headaches by looking at the patterns that may be contributing, such as dietary triggers, lifestyle factors, stress, environmental factors, sleep and overall well being.  

We treat headaches and migraines by regulating the flow of the vital energy of the body, releasing tension in the body through increased circulation to muscles that hold tension, bringing balance to the organ meridian systems involved in the headache.  

At ilumina Healing Sanctuary we are well aware of the benefits of Chinese Medicine for our patients with headaches and migraines.  

For more information about how acupuncture and Chinese Medicine may be suitable for your headaches, tension headaches or migraines,  for any questions or to schedule your first appointment please contact us at 602-957-2602.

*POSTED JANUARY 25, 2018; Harvard Health Blog, Acupuncture for headache, Helene Langevin, MD,   Carolyn A. Bernstein, MD, FAHS

*Acupuncture in patients with tension-type headache: randomized controlled trial  BMJ 2005; 331 doi: (Published 11 August 2005)

Cite this as: BMJ 2005;331:376 Dieter Melchart, director, researcher17,  Andrea Streng, researcher1,  Andrea Hoppe, researcher1,  Benno Brinkhaus, internist4,  Claudia Witt, epidemiologist4,  Stefan Wagenpfeil, statistician2,  Volker Pfaffenrath, neurologist5,  Michael Hammes, neurologist3,  Josef Hummelsberger, internist5,  Dominik Irnich, anaesthetist6,  Wolfgang Weidenhammer, biostatistician1,  Stefan N Willich, professor4,  Klaus Linde (

*May 4, 2005  Acupuncture for Patients With Migraine,   A Randomized Controlled Trial, Klaus Linde, MD; Andrea Streng, PhD; Susanne Jürgens, MSc; et al, Andrea Hoppe, MD; Benno Brinkhaus, MD; Claudia Witt, MD; Stephan Wagenpfeil, PhD; Volker Pfaffenrath, MD; Michael G. Hammes, MD; Wolfgang Weidenhammer, PhD; Stefan N. Willich, MD, MPH; Dieter Melchart, MD